Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Am I a cult

It seems all too common for people who consider themselves to be "orthodox" Christians to try to regulate what others should believe about faith and label anyone who rejects their ideology as a cult. You can hear this a lot on christian radio, read it on Christian web sites and probably hear it in a lot of churches. I don't visit a lot of churches so I can only guess that it probably goes on there. I reduced my Christian radio listening quite a bit some time ago also because I got tired of the crap that is spewed across the airwaves in the name of God. I am not a Christian; in fact, I claim allegiance to no denomination.

So here's some fuel for the confused to label me as a heretic or cult: Jesus is an invented idea of a church that has never really cared about your relationship with Elohim. If you don't know who Elohim is, I suggest you read the Bible. Elohim's son was not named Jesus and He was not born on December 25th. Elohim's son, the Messiah, was named Yeshua. Jesus is the fictional, white man with blue eyes that modern Christians have been duped into believing is the son of God. Yeshua, a Jew, observed the sabbath and His Father's laws. Yeshua, unlike Jesus, never taught anyone that the laws Elohim gave Israel were no longer valid. Elohim stated that we were to honor the sabbath - which is Saturday, not Sunday - and that we are not to worship idols or make images of things in heaven. Nothing Yeshua ever said negated His father's word.

None of the prophets, Yeshua, or the apostles ever mentioned anything resembling a trinity. If Elohim, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit are three manifestations of the same person then who was Yeshua praying to? Is Yeshua his own father? What is the GodHead? Modern day Christians have been fooled into believing pagan ideas. Yeshua is not God. If Yeshua was God then he could not have died on the cross since God is immortal. If Yeshua was God then being omnipotent really negated all of the things He accomplished since it was only His being a man that made His life so incredible. Yeshua never claimed glory, always telling people that the glory goes to Elohim and that all of His miracles were accomplished through Elohim, His father.

If you think that you are going to be spared the horrors of the tribulation because Jesus will rapture you before it happens, you are in for a big surprise. You're in for an even bigger surprise if you think that you have eternal salvation just because you once said you accept Jesus as your saviour. Your salvation is not guaranteed. Satan loves for you to believe that nonsense so you will continue to revel in your sin thinking that Jesus will save you in the end.

Are you: working on the Sabbath? worshiping people on TV? living in sin thinking that your salvation was bought with a few words?

I'm only trying to make you think. I'm not judging anyone.


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