Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama bothers me

When questioned about abortion, Obama recently replied that the decision was above his pay grade. What? What kind of answer is that? It's the type of uncommitted answer that people give when they don't want their true beliefs to be known. I think that If Obama knew without doubt that the majority of the voting public were apposed to abortion his answer would have been different. Obama claims to be a Christian, a man who believes the word of God. If we cannot be sure when life begins then shouldn't we make the choice that assures we are not murdering babies? Anyone who thinks that partial birth abortion is not murder is totally detached from any sense of morality and reality. I don't want a president who claims to be a man of faith but refuses to take a stand. I don't want a man who claims to be a Christian, but puts man's law above God's law. Forget the religious aspect; Obama is a hypocrite. He will say anything to further his own cause. God does not make allowances for people to go against His will because they are running for or hold public office.

While the U.S. is facing a financial meltdown of historic proportions, Obama has decided to focus on his own cause and continue campaigning instead of doing the job he was elected to do in the senate. Is shirking commitments in favor of furthering one's own personal interests a quality that makes a person a good leader. If foreign warships are heading toward the coasts of this country in 2012 will Obama be too preoccupied with his re-election campaign to remain in Washington and command our military?

Obama's campaign recently seems intensely focused on criticizing others and offering little of his own plans. During the debate it looked as if he won the argument about corporations paying very little in taxes by using loopholes. But geeeee, did i just not hear his solution to the problem or did he in fact not offer one. Although McCain was partially wrong, he was more correct than Obama. It is important to keep corporations and factories in the mainland to prevent the loss of jobs. Obama just used the moment to make himself appear more savvy than McCain. As usual though, he offered no real solution.

Some quick research into Obama's lineage reveals that he is more white than black and that is he more Arabic than African. All of that is fine and has no weight in his qualifications. What's wrong is that he has created the illusion that he is this country's first black (inference being African-American) presidential candidate. Again, he is using deception to increase his appeal.

I believe also that Obama has voted "present" a few too many times in the senate. He seems to have issues taking a stand.

Obama is very good at telling us what is wrong and stating that when he is president all will be different. But tell me, what exactly does he intend to do about anything? Being fast on the draw and hitting your opponent with a sharp criticism may seem really cool to some but it's not a skill that will help him run this country. And personally, I think that Putin could kick Obama's butt in 30 seconds or less and given that Putin probably does not take kindly to Obama's type of liberal "I'm smarter than you" responses I don't want Obama leading this country.


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